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Welcome to Camphor Memorial Church! Welcome to Camphor Memorial Church!

A Spiritually Alive Church! A Spiritually Alive Church!

    • Welcome to Camphor Memorial UMC!

      We are happy that you chose to visit us today!

      The mission of Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church is to be a Christ-centered nurturing and supportive fellowship of believers who strive to lead lost souls to Jesus Christ and improve the quality of life in the community, city and world.

      We invite you to come and worship with us in our beautiful Sanctuary any Sunday at 10:30 am. Praise God, we reopened the church for our 99th Church Anniversary celebration on November 28, 2021, after being closed 62 weeks due to the pandemic. We are pleased to livestream our services currently at 10:30 am on Sundays via Zoom and on our YouTube channel.  Click on the below Zoom and YouTube logos to join us!!!  Also, follow us on Facebook for events, see our photos, and post encouraging messages.

      When the shelter-in-place is lifted, please join us on Sundays at the church at 10:30 am. On 2nd Sundays come for our EXCITING 2ND SUNDAY CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP SERVICE at 10:30 am.  Everyone is invited to all services.  Feel free to come as you are and catch the spirit! 

      Please enjoy our website and contact us to learn more! 


    • Please join us this Sunday! Sunday School will be open at 9:30 am for children of all ages for a Bible lesson, a Black History lesson, and a coping skills activity.  Our 2nd Sunday Contemporary Worship Service starts at 10:30 am with uplifting music and inspired message.  We will also light the Second Advent Candle.  After worship, we will hold our Annual Christmas Party in the Fellowship Hall and it will be a time of fun for all to enjoy games. Bible Bingo, sing, decorate cookies and of course enjoy some food.  There will be gifts of books for the children. We care about the immediate needs of the homeless at Christmas and we ask everyone to bring new socks, hats, and gloves for all ages.  Also, bath and shower gel is needed. Finally, feel free to bring any snacks and beverages to share at the Christmas Party.  

    • Community Conversation with Business Neighbors!

    • More about "Community Conversation"

      We are excited to host “Community Conversation" at the church on Friday, September 13, 2024, from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

      This event aims to foster relationships and collaboration between Camphor Church and the local business community. Businesses in the West Philadelphia area are invited to participate in a conversation highlighting ways the church and companies can work together to improve the quality of life for children and families in the surrounding neighborhood.

      Key goals of the event include:

      • Strengthening relationships between Camphor Church and local businesses.
      • Providing businesses an opportunity to learn more about the church’s mission, programs, and facilities.
      • Identifying opportunities for partnership to enhance community well-being.

      “Our church has been a part of this community for over a century, and we believe that by collaborating with local businesses, we can create a stronger, more vibrant neighborhood,” said Carol Black, Chair of Camphor’s Leadership Team. “We hope this conversation will open doors to new initiatives that support children, families, and the overall quality of life in our area.”

      Businesses interested in attending are encouraged to RSVP by contacting Carol Black at 215-820-1164 or

      Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church has a long history of community engagement and offers a range of programs designed to uplift and empower the youth and families of West Philadelphia. This "Community Conversation" event is part of the church’s ongoing commitment to building partnerships that make a lasting impact on the neighborhood.

    • Centennial Souvenir Journal Now on Sale

    • Purchase Your Souvenir Journal Today!

      Purchase your copy of The Camphor Memorial Church Centennial Souvenir Book Today!
      This must-have memento is an elegantly designed 128-page book that beautifully celebrates Camphor's 100 years of unbroken ministry through rich history, memorable centennial year events, and warm celebratory wishes.
      $25 per book (purchase online or in-person and pick up at the church)
      $35 per book (purchase online and ship)

      Limited quantities are available. Get a copy of history today. Click link to order online today: Camphor Church Centennial Souvenir Journal Order Form

    • Worship by Giving Online

      The Bible encourages us to give generously, consistently and joyfully for the ministries of the church and for its buildings and facilities.  We can do this by tithing which is setting aside money to give each week. I Cor. 16:2, 2 Cor. 9:7, Matt. 6:19-21. The tithe is a specific amount (10% of your income) that you give first, and an offering is anything extra that you give beyond that.

      We encourage all of our givers to sign up and use our online giving platform as an easy way to tithe and give. This platform will also allow for direct deposits or payments through your bank – ACH giving which has lower fees than credit cards. Click the blue image below or here to sign-up and/or give online.

    • Rev. Dr. Robin L. Smith Preached on Women's Day 2023!

    • Women's Day Hattitude Was Great Success!


    • 100th Anniversary Pledge (2022-2023)

    • Rev. Dr. Lorina Marshall-Blake was 2022 Women's Day Speaker

      [Double-Click to Edit Text]

    • Women's Day Speaker
    • Join Us for Online Bible Study!

      New:  Online Bible Study led by Rev. Dr. Frank Moore by Zoom:

      • Every Tuesday Evening, 7 PM to 8:15 PM
      • Every Thursday Morning, 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM

       Click for Zoom Meeting: ID #298-439-2215 

      • By Phone: +1 301 715 8592 US
      • Password for Zoom Call:  568580

      First and Third Sundays, Women's Bible Study at 9:30 AM (canceled during pandemic)

      Second and Fourth Sundays, Men's Bible Study at 9:30 AM (canceled during pandemic)

    • Download Authorization to Give by Check

      Download File: Authorization Form - eCheck (ACH) transactions (48.5 KB .doc file)
    • Search Camphor Website

      Search Welcome to Camphor Memorial Church!:
    • Bible Crossword Puzzles

    • Our Senior Pastor

      Rev. Dr. Frank N. Moore

      The Reverend Dr. Frank N. Moore is the Senior Pastor of Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church. Since his appointment by Bishop Peggy Johnson, Eastern Pennsylvania Conference, in July 2013, the church body has increased and grown in mission as a spiritually alive church meeting the needs of the congregation and the community. Prior to coming to Camphor, he served the University Spiritually Alive United Methodist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana (Indiana Conference) from 1999 to 2013.

      Rev. Dr. Moore received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Cheyney State University in Pennsylvania in 1975 and the Masters of Divinity degree, cum laude, in May 1978, from the Interdenominational Theological Center, Atlanta, Georgia.  In May 1990, Rev. Dr. Moore was conferred the Doctor of Ministry degree from the United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. His dissertation was, “Health and Wellness in the African American Churches in the Twentieth Century, An Ongoing Program.” Click to read Rev. Dr. Moore full bio.

    • Camphor Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony


      Camphor Church is proud to announce the induction ceremony for the inaugural class of the Camphor Church Hall of Fame, honoring eleven distinguished individuals with strong ties to our beloved church and the Philadelphia community. The ceremony will occur on November 17, 2024, at 10:30 AM at  Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church.

      Join us as we celebrate the remarkable contributions and achievements of this esteemed group of inductees, whose impact extends beyond the walls of our church and into our community and the world. The inductees include:

      • Wilton “Wilt” Chamberlain, Basketball Legend 

      • Bilal Abdul Qayyum, Community Leader 

      • Ulysses “Ukee” Washington, Renowned Journalist 

      • Herbert “Randy” Cain, Famed Delfonics Soul Singer

      • Rev. Dr. Thomas “Tommy” Snowden, Spiritual Leader 

      • Malcolm P Poindexter Jr., Groundbreaking Journalist

      • Robert “Bob” Nelson, Humanitarian

      • Stanley “Doc” Glenn, Negro League Baseball Great

      • Abdul “Walt” Rahman Hazzard, Basketball Icon 

      • Deacon David William Brown, Dedicated Servant

      • Donald “Don” B. Welch, Visionary Producer 

      This event will honor these remarkable individuals' legacies and contributions to the Camphor Church, the community, and beyond. It promises to be a memorable occasion filled with inspiring stories and heartfelt tributes.

      The ceremony is open to the public, and we warmly invite everyone to join us in celebrating these extraordinary honorees. Come and be part of this historic moment for Camphor Church! We look forward to celebrating this momentous occasion with you.

      We also invite you to become part of the vibrant legacy of Camphor Memorial Church by supporting the Camphor Hall of Fame or contributing to the Camphor Church Preservation Project below or by CashApp to $CamphorChurch. Your generous donations will help us celebrate remarkable achievements, preserve our historic church, and sustain vital community programs. Join our congregation to experience Camphor's fellowship and spiritual growth, or lend your time and talents by volunteering in one of our many impactful ministries. We also encourage you to participate in our future programs, where we come together to uplift, empower, and serve our community. Together, we can continue to make a difference—one life, one project, and one act of faith at a time. 


      For more information, please get in touch with Carol Black at 215-820-1164 or

    • Lincoln University Concert Choir Performed at Camphor for 100th Anniversary

      The Lincoln University Concert Choir, directed by Dr. Camilla Horn, and Hazell Hall-Jefferson, soprano, presented a wonderful benefit concert on Sunday, October 2, 2022, at 3 PM. at Camphor Church to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Camphor Church. 

       Hazell Hall-Jefferson, Soprano 


      Theodore Thomas, Jr., Accompanist for Ms. Hall-Jefferson 

    • Camphor Church Preservation Project

    • Photos from Camphor Archives

    • Link to Camphor Young Adult Survey

    • Click above link to take Camphor Young Adult Survey

    • Camphor is Church of the Week!

    • Online Bible Study!

    • Camphor Youth!

    • Daily Bible Verse

    • Bible Search

      Enter text or verse name (John 3:16):
    • Upper Room Daily Devotional

      Upper Room Daily Devotional

      The Upper Room magazine’s mission is to provide a model of practical Christianity, accessible in varied formats, to help people feel invited and welcomed into God’s presence to:

      • listen to scripture as God’s personal message, linking their stories to God’s story;
      • commune with God in prayer;
      • see their daily choices and small acts of obedience as part of God’s work;
      • realize our connection through Christ as a universal family of believers;
      • encounter the living Christ and be transformed into Christ’s likeness."


      If you would like to read today's daily devotional from the Upper Room magazine, just click below:


      Once you get to this site, you can view larger-type and Spanish versions. A daily reflection is available, and you can have the Upper Room devotional emailed to you every day. 


    • Email this page to a friend

    • People of the United Methodist Church

    • Our Church

      Welcome to Camphor Memorial Church!
      5620 Wyalusing Avenue Map
      Philadelphia, PA 19131
      Phone: 215-747-2600; Emergency: 215-747-0848; Fax: 215-747-3954
      Email: @info

      · Bishop Alexander Priestly Camphor, 1865-1919
      · The Mission of Camphor
      · A Short History of Camphor

      Questions about a sermon? Ask the pastor:


      Everyone invited!
    • Ways to Worship, Give & Care During COVID-19 Pandemic

      [Double-Click to Edit Text]


      Classes will be held on the 1st Saturday of every month from 11:30am - 12:00pm,  starting June 1, 2021 

      • ALL age groups and fitness levels are welcome, but exercises are designed for seniors
      • Classes will include yoga techniques, exercises to promote balance, stretching and toning
      • The most up-to-date health approaches and nutritional facts will be presented

      Developed and Facilitated by Kayla Butts

      MEETING ID:  754 1519 6750

      PASSCODE:  Health

    • Calendar

      EVERYONE is ALWAYS welcome to take part in Camphor's worship services, Bible studies, fellowships, ministries and special programs!


      Sun Mar 09  · 10:30am
      Tue Mar 11  · 10am
      Community Food Cupboard
      Tue Mar 11  · 7pm
      Weekly Virtual Bible Study with Rev. Dr. Moore
      Thu Mar 13  · 11am
      Weekly Online Bible study with Rev. Dr. Moore
      Sun Mar 16  · 10:30am
      Tue Mar 18  · 10am
      Community Food Cupboard
      Tue Mar 18  · 7pm
      Weekly Virtual Bible Study with Rev. Dr. Moore
      Thu Mar 20  · 11am
      Weekly Online Bible study with Rev. Dr. Moore
      Sun Mar 23  · 10:30am
      Tue Mar 25  · 10am
      Community Food Cupboard
      Tue Mar 25  · 7pm
      Weekly Virtual Bible Study with Rev. Dr. Moore
      View Full Calendar

      Mar 2025
      23 24 25 26 27 28 01
      02 03 04 05 06 07 08
      09 10 11 12 13 14 15
      16 17 18 19 20 21 22
      23 24 25 26 27 28 29
      30 31 01 02 03 04 05
    • Spiritual Gifts Inventory

      The Strategic Planning Committee of Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church invites all members to complete the Spiritual Gifts Inventory. The purpose of the inventory is to help you discover your spiritual gifts and then to prayerfully consider ways to utilize these gifts for the advancement of the Kingdom of God and the making of disciples within the church, the mission of Camphor Memorial UMC. These God-given gifts are meant to be shared, not stored away. They are meant to honor God, revitalize the Church and reach a lost generation for Christ.

      Our spiritual journey requires all of us to GROW in our understanding of what it means to be like Christ, a Christian, from the time we accepted Christ until death or His return. Assessing our spiritual growth helps us to think carefully about our current spiritual development and to begin working on an intentional plan for personal growth.

      Remember, it's not about our efforts. Becoming like Christ centers on His work in us and not our work for Him. God desires heart change over religious actions. God does the renewing, the empowering and the recreating. Our part as His disciple is to do the yielding, the submitting, and the obeying. We sincerely hope you will prayerfully and enthusiastically join the church in assessing your God-given spiritual gifts and use those gifts, interests and abilities in ministry in our church.

      Click here to take online survey   After you complete the survey, save the results* and forward an email copy to   (or you may mail/drop-off hard copy:  Camphor Memorial UMC, Attn: Lay Leader, 5620 Wyalusing Ave, Philadelphia  19131.)  You will be contacted by the Lay Leader to discuss how you would like to utilize your spiritual gifts to advance the mission of the church and its current initiatives.  THANK YOU for helping Camphor Memorial's efforts to help build-up strong people and strong communities through the work of our Spiritually Alive church!

      *Instructions to save and email the results of your survey:  

      After submitting your online survey, you will be taken to your personal spiritual gifts inventory results page.

      1. To save the results to your computer:

      a. Click "Print or Download Results" (red box near bottom of page)

      b. Select "Microsoft Print to PDF" (it's the first selection option in the Printer window)

      c.  Click on "Print" at the bottom of the window (on the left side)

      d.  A "Save Print Output As" window will pop-up - give th file a name and click the "Save" option (at the bottom of window on right side).  This saves your survey results to your computer.

      2. To email your survey results to the church:

      a. Create a new email addressed to:

      b. Subject: My Spiritual Inventory Results

      c. To insert your survey results, select "Attach File" (paperclip icon)

      d. Your computer will populate a list of your recent files -- select the file with your spiritual gifts survey results.  Once you click on the file, it will attach the file to your email.

      e.  Click 'Send' to send your spiritual gifts survey results to the Lay Leader.

      Thank you!!


    • Click to Sign-Up for Ministry Teams

    • Camphor Ministry Teams Guide

    • Guestbook

      View Sign View View Christian Guestbook

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    • Community Ministry

      This is our Tuesday Morning Ministry of Sharing and Caring! We are people of various churches within our community. We enjoy the rich fellowship with songs, prayers, scripture and sermon. It is enlightening and inspiring.

    • Community Ministry in Action!

      Avid listeners
    • CallingPost Sign Up

      Signup to receive voice messages from the church for important announcements, schedule changes, emergencies!  Click here for sign-up form or scan the barcode.

      QR Code for JotForm form

    • Leadership Team (Restricted)

    • United Methodist Church Giving

    • InfoServe

      Have a question about the United Methodist Church?


      Ask InfoServ!


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